Pakistan Idol

Pakistan Idol is an upcoming reality television show on GEO television, based on the popular British show Pop Idol and its American counterpart American Idol.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Pakistan Idol

Pakistan Idol Pakistan Idol is an upcoming reality television show on GEO television, based on the popular British show Pop Idol and its American counterpart American Idol. The show is a competition to find the most talented young singer in Pakistan. No official source has announced who the show will be hosted by as of yet. The show is set to air in Winter, 2007.
The show will begin with a cross-country tour in which singers audition in front of four judges: Abrar-ul-Haq, Hadiqa Kiyani, Ali Azmat, and Sajjad Ali. Eventually the performers will be narrowed down to 10 finalists, with each competitor performing live. Viewers have two hours following the broadcast of the show to phone in their votes for their favourite competitor. On the following night's episode (live again), the competitor with the fewest votes will be sent home. After the final two perform, viewers will have more than two hours to vote. The next day, the competitor with the most votes is declared the winner.
The show will be taped at the GEO TV Headquarters in Karachi.
